Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Events and Workshops

Introduction to Terrestrial Invasive Plants of Haliburton County
This two-day webinar is part of the Partners in Conservation (PIC) workshop series with the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust. Participants will learn more about the top terrestrial invasive plants of Haliburton County. This will begin with a review of each of the top invasive plant species, including identification, biology, life cycle, and impacts. In the second part, participants will learn how to monitor/map for invasive species, best practices for their removal, how to dispose plant material properly, and advice for post restoration. This webinar will provide participants with the knowledge on how to identify and manage invasive plant species on their properties and promote biodiversity.
This event is funded by the Haliburton County Development Corporation - Local Initiatives Program.
Please register via zoom at the links below. Each session needs to be registered for separately. Once you register, you will receive the webinar access link as well as reminders closer to the date of the webinar.
Note: This webinar is intended for residents of Haliburton County.
Session 1 (October 21st, 2024 7pm - 8pm EST): https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Bin90GHVQGGNEsAFPG-hsg
Session 2 (October 23rd, 2024 7pm - 8pm EST): https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hFavFFUBTQ2HHUKKyCvHGg
Session 1: Monday October 21st @ 7-8 PM
1. Welcome/Intro
2. Invasive species & their impacts
3. Species profiles (the following species will be covered: Japanese Knotweed, Garlic Mustard, Phragmites, Wild Parsnip, Dog Strangling Vine, Lily of the Valley, Goutweed, Periwinkle, Eurasian water-milfoil). For each species, we'll cover a description (biology & life cycle), impacts, and identification and lookalikes.
Session 2: Wednesday October 23rd @ 7-8 PM
1. Monitoring & mapping for invasive species
2. Control methods (with emphasis on manual control)
3. Proper disposal, restoration
4. Preventing the spread
5. How to report invasive species (EDDMapS and iNaturalist)

Land Trust Discovery Days is a series of events created to provide learning and fun, and to deepen connections with the land, water and species that we love. Check back regularly to find information and to register for upcoming HHLT events. Most of our events are offered by donation.
Some events held in 2024 include the Don Smith Memorial Bird Walk, Spring Wildflowers and Leeks, Bats and Dragonflies.
Thanks to the various sponsors of these events! HHLT appreciates the support of our partners and sponsors.