The Haliburton Highlands Land Trust engages in activities and projects that align with our core objectives. Here are the projects currently under way.
HHLT Strategic Planning
Grant Funder: Ontario Trillium Foundation – Resilient Communities Fund
Category: Conservation Planning & Capacity Building
End Date: May, 2023
Grant Amount: $ 9,100
This grant will enable the Land Trust to hire a professional consultant to help us embark on a strategic planning process. Our previous strategic plan was developed with goals and objectives for the period 2013-2017, with projections to 2022. It is time to re-examine our purpose, goals and objectives, renew our vision and mission statements, and develop a plan that will carry us forward into the next several years, while also addressing pandemic recovery and the need to develop resilience to future disruptions.
Highlands Corridor
Grant Funder: Environment Canada & Climate Change-Habitat Stewardship Program
Category: Research, Education, Conservation
End Date: March 31, 2023
Grant Amount: $ 61,750 over two years
The grant focuses on the Highlands Corridor and the evaluation of the Laronde Creek wetland complex. A video will be produced on the Highlands Corridor and the importance of this large tract of land to building resilience to climate change, protecting lands and waters and maintaining biodiversity. HHLT will produce a guide for Best Management Practices and a fact sheet for Whip-poor-will. Funding will also provide 5 landowners in the Highlands Corridor with Managed Forest Tax Incentive Plans (MFTIPs) to ensure the ongoing conservation of their properties. In the second year, the Laronde Wetland Complex will be mapped and evaluated as a candidate for provincial significance.
For more information on the Highlands Corridor, please read this blog post on the Ontario Nature website.
Native Lady Beetles and Branched Bartonia
Grant Funder: Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Species at Risk Program
Category: Research, Species at Risk
End Date: February 2023
Grant Amount: $28,716
The grant focuses on the Branched Bartonia (small at-risk wetland plant) and the 'Lost" Lady Bug. Field work will take place on HHLT properties and has both educational and community outreach components. For more information on lost ladybugs, please download our ID fact sheet.
Land Trust Discovery Days
Grant Funder: TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Category: Education
End Date: October 2023
Grant Amount: $7095.00
Land Trust Discovery Days is a series of educational workshops, guided walks and presentations which are funded by the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation. Most events are offered by donation and are family friendly.
In 2023 HHLT will offer some new events and some old favourites. New this year is a Plein Air Painting workshop and a Geology Walk. We will also offer a chance to meet Ontario wildlife up-close at the Speaking of Wildlife presentation in March and a night-time walk to search for bats. The TD FOE grant will also fund a project to implement a virtual tour of Dahl Forest or Barnum Creek Nature Reserve using Pocketsights.