Help Us Protect The Hadlington Property
The Haliburton Highlands Land Trust has been given an opportunity to purchase a large property within the Highlands Corridor. This undeveloped, 100-acre property (40 ha) in Highlands East contains forests, wetlands and 3.5km of natural river shoreline. It is rich in biodiversity and natural habitats and would be a great complement to our existing 5 properties.

The Haliburton Highlands Land Trust has set a goal to raise $75,000 by December 31 to purchase this new property and we need your help! We have set up two fundraising initiatives to meet our goal: an online auction and a fundraising campaign on CanadaHelps.
We are holding an on-line auction from Sunday November 17, 2024 through to Sunday December 8, 2024. It's a great place to shop for holiday presents! Please check on all the fantastic items and bid often! You can register to bid on the welcome page. Please bid generously to help us raise money for our land acquisition project.
We have set up a fundraising campaign on Canada Helps that will run until we have met our target. Please forward this important opportunity on to your friends and family. Let’s work together to protect the lands and waters we all love!